Viability of high school recruiting

Kids don’t stay to develop anymore. Deion actually has it right by hardly recruiting high school kids. I actually think it is borderline a waste of resources and effort to go after any high school kid that isn’t:

1. An immediate starter

2. A blue collar guy that is getting few shots to play at the highest level but will stick around and develop because of it.

Why even bother to recruit any high school studs that are really good but not startable yet? They seem to bounce the first chance they get if they don’t play.

I think you’ll see it more and more: much smaller high school classes and portal for the rest. With Warner, yes I would have loved to keep him til his Junior/Senior year where he is a stud. But a sophomore who has a lot of work to do leaving now and we get to replace him with a grown ass man who’s maybe 22/23? I’ll take the older dude every time.

@JK do you see this happening? Is Kansas positioning itself for failure with these types of players? Should all resources be dedicated to portal much like Deion?
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