Never in American history have protestors lined up outside justices' homes because they didn't like a particular decision. This is INTIMIDATION 101 by the violent Left
pushed by ignorant leaders like Obama, Warren, Shumer, Maxine, Pelosi and many others. The violent Left will get what they want if they have to loot, murder, take over city blocks,
threaten to pack the court, anarchy in the streets or burn our cities for over two years. This is today's sick Democrat Party.
Instead of putting a stop to these dangerous protests outside justies' homes like a real leader would do Moron Joe was perfectly fine with it. Why? Because he's a complete moron elected by morons.
What do you think the news coverage would be on this protests if we had a media that wasn't corrupt and 100% pro-Democrat? What coverage would there be if Republicans were protesting outside justices' homes? We all know the answer. It would be 24/7 anti-protestors!
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And then we all knew this would happen. It only takes one sick nutcase Democrat to act out and murder as Democrat leaders encouraged.
Today's Democrat party is sick, sick, sick!
The man, Nicholas Roske, allegedly told police officers he wanted to kill Kavanaugh, the Washington Post reported.