Moron-in-Chief is a constant embarrassment to America thanks to Stupid Biden Voters

Yes, Moron Joe's dementia and debility on full display for the world to see as he trips over his own feet again.

Why is this corrupt, incompetent fool trying to serve as our U.S president? Because of butt-stupid voters.... that's why with many of whom are on this board!

Did those ignorant voters know Biden was totally corrupt, incompetent and a moron before voting for him? Of course they knew. The whole world knew, but they voted for him anyway! Why?

Because they are S T U P I D ! ! !

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World leaders are laughing their asses off at the stupidity of Moron Joe and the fools who voted for him.


Trump really must have done well in the Town Hall last night, otherwise the little guys on here would be chirping. The interviewer was an embarrassment.

Can anyone imagine Biden being interviewed like this? First, it would be disrespectful, as it was with President Trump. He would also be humiliated because he couldn’t answer any questions coherently. This is why he is protected press.
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The violent and intolerant Left.

Never in American history have protestors lined up outside justices' homes because they didn't like a particular decision. This is INTIMIDATION 101 by the violent Left
pushed by ignorant leaders like Obama, Warren, Shumer, Maxine, Pelosi and many others. The violent Left will get what they want if they have to loot, murder, take over city blocks,
threaten to pack the court, anarchy in the streets or burn our cities for over two years. This is today's sick Democrat Party.
Instead of putting a stop to these dangerous protests outside justies' homes like a real leader would do Moron Joe was perfectly fine with it. Why? Because he's a complete moron elected by morons.

What do you think the news coverage would be on this protests if we had a media that wasn't corrupt and 100% pro-Democrat? What coverage would there be if Republicans were protesting outside justices' homes? We all know the answer. It would be 24/7 anti-protestors!
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And then we all knew this would happen. It only takes one sick nutcase Democrat to act out and murder as Democrat leaders encouraged.
Today's Democrat party is sick, sick, sick!
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Trump & Musk Eliminating Democrats' Massive Trillions in Fraud and Wasteful Spending with DOGE!

Two things right off the bat:

1. A big thank you again to the amazing Donald Trump and to my fellow "Thinking Americans" who elected him! Honestly, we would not have a country left after four more disasterous years under corrupt Democrat reign...... and we would surely be looking at World War 3. Under Donald Trump peace is breaking out all over the world!
2. There is absolutely NO question that MASSIVE amounts of Democrat fraud and waste has gone on for decades at taxpayers' expense and the Democrats' USAID agency is just one glaring example.

Let's take a look at some shocking examples of the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS if not Trillions in wasteful spending under the 100% corrupt Democrat party's slush fund---USAID:

- $1.5 million to “advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities.”- $70,000 for the production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland.- $2.5 million for electric vehicles in Vietnam.- $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia.- $32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru.- $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala- $6 million to fund tourism in Egypt.- Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations, even after an investigation was launched.- $2 million + to EcoHealth Alliance, involved in research at the Wuhan lab.- Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria.- Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries.- $16.8 million to support equitable outcomes in inclusion in Vietnam.- $8.3 million for “equity and inclusion” education.- $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists to avoid “binary-gender language.”- $6.3 million to study men having sex with other men in South Africa.- $20 million for producing an Iraqi version of Sesame Street.- $520 million for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) consultants in Africa.- $45 million for DEI scholarships in Burma.- $2 million for Moroccan pottery classes.- $2 million promoting tourism to Lebanon.- Sent Ukrainians to Paris Fashion Week (specific amount not specified but highlighted for criticism).- $200 million + of dollars to fund irrigation for the Taliban’s poppy fields.- $50 million for condoms in Gaza.- $30 million for South African HIV/AIDS programs, criticized for misuse or inefficiency.- $25 million for green transportation projects in Georgia, mocked for suggesting Georgia needs Teslas.

Again, the above list is just a small sample of the waste of taxpayer dollars under Democrat rule! While Americans work and try to survive under historic Bidenflation and high taxes the Democrat party throws Trillions away to ridiculous causes mostly in countries that hate us, including BILLIONS to fund terrorists!!



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