ShoeHawk Freshman Jan 21, 2003 1,380 7 0 48 Haven, KS Apr 26, 2015 #1 Former Jayhawk transferring to Seton Hall to play ball and go to law school. Great kid who was in a pretty bad car accident while at Fresno State. He will do well. Once a Jayhawk always a Jayhawk Reactions: KisteK
Former Jayhawk transferring to Seton Hall to play ball and go to law school. Great kid who was in a pretty bad car accident while at Fresno State. He will do well. Once a Jayhawk always a Jayhawk
Jayhawkdoc05 Sophomore Gold Member Aug 10, 2006 1,574 1,427 0 Apr 26, 2015 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
J Jersey Jayhawk Sophomore Dec 7, 2009 1,542 31 0 Apr 27, 2015 #3 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.