"Morning Joe" Vicious Trump-haters blasted for bowing down to Donald Trump

This is one more example of what has been so glaringly obvious about the the Trump-hating Democrat Propaganda Networks who have had control over the minds of their ignorant leftist viewers.
Yes, MSNBC and CNN are the worst of the worst, but ALL of these POS Democrat networks spew hate, lies and slander
against Trump, Israel and Republicans in general.

After years of calling Trump a fascist, Hitler, threat to democracy, etc., these two Morning Joe morons have no qualms whatsoever in crawling to Mar-A-Lago to kiss Trump's butt. NOW, finally, even stupid leftists know that this POS Morning Joe program and this POS network is trash, but “Thinking Americans” have known this for decades!!
Is there any wonder why leftists are called "S T U P I D" and rediculed on a regular basis?
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At least it's encouraging that millions of leftist morons have already left these hate-filled POS Democrat cesspool shows and networks.

