He wasn’t on the sideline last week does it give you hope he was there this week…
He's active on the sideline. He's talking with Coach Zebrowski and different things that he sees. He's mentally going through the calls in his mind as he sees them. Yeah, it was good to have him.
I’ve got great hope. Like I said, we've said that from the first time. Okay. It's kind of like last year's deal. Okay. He wasn't out for the season. And there is no one who told me that he's out for the season this year. Okay? It still stays that. And you can see him moving a lot better than he has been. I have no reason not to. Okay, we'll see what next week brings, and then as we head into that Oklahoma week where he's at.
He's active on the sideline. He's talking with Coach Zebrowski and different things that he sees. He's mentally going through the calls in his mind as he sees them. Yeah, it was good to have him.
I’ve got great hope. Like I said, we've said that from the first time. Okay. It's kind of like last year's deal. Okay. He wasn't out for the season. And there is no one who told me that he's out for the season this year. Okay? It still stays that. And you can see him moving a lot better than he has been. I have no reason not to. Okay, we'll see what next week brings, and then as we head into that Oklahoma week where he's at.