For those not familiar with the IEA, they are usually a pro-fossil fuel group. This is a massive shift for them, especially since they are calling for such a hard stop in new exploration, leasing, and development.
To quote the Executive Director: "We are in a critical year at the start of a critical decade for these efforts."
And to yet again be clear, even if we do what they call for - net zero by 2050 - we still have near certainty for massive if not near total ecological collapse worldwide. As the IEA has stated, the rhetoric of the need, and the actions reflecting those needs are growing apart faster and faster. We need to act today if we are to have any hope of anything salvageable.
To quote the Executive Director: "We are in a critical year at the start of a critical decade for these efforts."
And to yet again be clear, even if we do what they call for - net zero by 2050 - we still have near certainty for massive if not near total ecological collapse worldwide. As the IEA has stated, the rhetoric of the need, and the actions reflecting those needs are growing apart faster and faster. We need to act today if we are to have any hope of anything salvageable.
To Be Carbon-Neutral By 2050, No New Oil And Coal Projects, Report Says
"This gap between rhetoric and action needs to close if we are to have a fighting chance" of reaching emissions goals, the head of the International Energy Agency says.