1. AMERICA, BABY!! Our beloved country has been flat on her back following four years of THE worst presidential administration in U.S history-- Biden Harris.
She has declined in every way under reign of the criminal Democrat party, but she will regain her respected place as the greatest nation on earth and respected again around the world instead of a laughing stock. Trump rebuilt America once after racist Obama destroyed it and he'll do it again this time.
2. ISRAEL! A win by blatant antisemite Harris would've been disaterous for the state of Israel. Moron Joe, Obama and Harris stabbed Israel in the back every chance they got, but Netanyahu again has the strongest pro-Israel president at his side as Israel finishes the war that Iran and Hamas started.
American Jews helped elect Trump finally breaking with the sick anti-Israel Democrat party. And sicko Democrat antisemites helped as well as they stayed home on Election Day stating that Harris didn't hate Israel enough. The Republican/Trump position has always been chrystal clear--- pro-Israel!
3. AMERICANS and their families..... even stupid Harris voters. Needless to say, Americans have suffered greatly the past four years with record inflation, record interest rates, record violent crime, record national debt, disaterous open borders and failed schools. Americans, including Democrats and Independents, have had enough of the criminal anti-America Democrat party and voted FOR America and For the futures of their kids and grandkids.
They finally realized that the Democrat party has never cared about them at all, but only attacking, villionizing, impeaching, slandering and even trying to murder Trump!
4. THE SUPREME COURT. Radical Harris would've packed the court to push through all of her far-Left anti-America policies. FDR tried this 80 years ago and even his Democrat politicians said NO WAY! This is but one example of how radical Left the sick Democrat party has moved the past 20 years. American voters spoke up loud and clear on Election Day!
5. U.S MILITARY. The Democrat party hates the military. Trump rebuilt our military after Obama decimated it and he will rebuild it again after Moron Joe, Obama, Harris and the Democrat party decimated it once again. They cared more about making our military woke then making it the strongest fighting force in the world. Combat readiness and morale is way down, but not for long under Trump, and our enemies know this.
6. U.S CONSTITUTION. Our Constitution is always under attack by the sick Democrat party since it protects Americans' rights and limits the only thing the Democrat party cars about--- POWER-- getting it and keeping it. Trump will protect our basic Constitutional rights and freedoms as our founding fathers intended. And speaking of Freedom of Speech a big kudos goes out to the courageous Elon Musk for being such a leader in this vital area.
7. U.S SENATE. Again, Thinking Americans have spoken loudly in support of Republican candidates and against the radical anti-America Democrat party.
Trump will now have a much easier path to do positives things for America, Americans and the judicial system.
Hopefully, the HOUSE will go red as well. The more red the better, baby!
8. U.S BORDER PATROL and U.S Immigration Laws enforced again! We all know the purpose of the criminal Democrat party flooding America with illegals---- to give them the vote so Republicans will neve again win the presidency. Why? Because, they care only about their oen power and not the American people.
Even Democrats are sick and tired of illegals taking over our country, schools, prisons, welfare system and committing violent crimes that go unpunished by Democrat prosecutors. Well, there's new sheriff in town who campaigned to put Americans and America first instead of last. Finish that wall and start the deportation process, baby! As I've said-- the Democrat party is without a doubt the largest criminal organization in the world, and the open borders disaster is but one example. Thinking Americans spoke loud and clear on Election Day, "NO MORE!"
Biden is laughing his a** off!
10. DONALD TRUMP! Hard to put this one into words what this great man has accomplished and all while being attack 24/7 the past 15+ years! The criminal Democrat party and the criminal Democrat media tried everything in thir power to stop him, even murder, but to no avail. Trump galvanized the Republican party with amazing leadership, courage and strength with wide cross section of voters--- blacks, whites, Hispanics, young, Independents, Christians, Jews, etc. This amazing political accomplishment will go down in history as the greatest comeback ever while Trump is free now to do amazing things for America and Americans! The world was at peace under Trump and the world will again be at peace under Trump instead of heading to WW3.
America not only has a great leader again, but the entire free world has an amazing leader again!
Thank you, President Trump and thank you to all my fellow Thinking Americans for making all this possble!
God Bless, America!
1. AMERICA, BABY!! Our beloved country has been flat on her back following four years of THE worst presidential administration in U.S history-- Biden Harris.
She has declined in every way under reign of the criminal Democrat party, but she will regain her respected place as the greatest nation on earth and respected again around the world instead of a laughing stock. Trump rebuilt America once after racist Obama destroyed it and he'll do it again this time.
2. ISRAEL! A win by blatant antisemite Harris would've been disaterous for the state of Israel. Moron Joe, Obama and Harris stabbed Israel in the back every chance they got, but Netanyahu again has the strongest pro-Israel president at his side as Israel finishes the war that Iran and Hamas started.
American Jews helped elect Trump finally breaking with the sick anti-Israel Democrat party. And sicko Democrat antisemites helped as well as they stayed home on Election Day stating that Harris didn't hate Israel enough. The Republican/Trump position has always been chrystal clear--- pro-Israel!
3. AMERICANS and their families..... even stupid Harris voters. Needless to say, Americans have suffered greatly the past four years with record inflation, record interest rates, record violent crime, record national debt, disaterous open borders and failed schools. Americans, including Democrats and Independents, have had enough of the criminal anti-America Democrat party and voted FOR America and For the futures of their kids and grandkids.
They finally realized that the Democrat party has never cared about them at all, but only attacking, villionizing, impeaching, slandering and even trying to murder Trump!
4. THE SUPREME COURT. Radical Harris would've packed the court to push through all of her far-Left anti-America policies. FDR tried this 80 years ago and even his Democrat politicians said NO WAY! This is but one example of how radical Left the sick Democrat party has moved the past 20 years. American voters spoke up loud and clear on Election Day!
5. U.S MILITARY. The Democrat party hates the military. Trump rebuilt our military after Obama decimated it and he will rebuild it again after Moron Joe, Obama, Harris and the Democrat party decimated it once again. They cared more about making our military woke then making it the strongest fighting force in the world. Combat readiness and morale is way down, but not for long under Trump, and our enemies know this.
6. U.S CONSTITUTION. Our Constitution is always under attack by the sick Democrat party since it protects Americans' rights and limits the only thing the Democrat party cars about--- POWER-- getting it and keeping it. Trump will protect our basic Constitutional rights and freedoms as our founding fathers intended. And speaking of Freedom of Speech a big kudos goes out to the courageous Elon Musk for being such a leader in this vital area.
7. U.S SENATE. Again, Thinking Americans have spoken loudly in support of Republican candidates and against the radical anti-America Democrat party.
Trump will now have a much easier path to do positives things for America, Americans and the judicial system.
Hopefully, the HOUSE will go red as well. The more red the better, baby!
8. U.S BORDER PATROL and U.S Immigration Laws enforced again! We all know the purpose of the criminal Democrat party flooding America with illegals---- to give them the vote so Republicans will neve again win the presidency. Why? Because, they care only about their oen power and not the American people.
Even Democrats are sick and tired of illegals taking over our country, schools, prisons, welfare system and committing violent crimes that go unpunished by Democrat prosecutors. Well, there's new sheriff in town who campaigned to put Americans and America first instead of last. Finish that wall and start the deportation process, baby! As I've said-- the Democrat party is without a doubt the largest criminal organization in the world, and the open borders disaster is but one example. Thinking Americans spoke loud and clear on Election Day, "NO MORE!"
Biden is laughing his a** off!
10. DONALD TRUMP! Hard to put this one into words what this great man has accomplished and all while being attack 24/7 the past 15+ years! The criminal Democrat party and the criminal Democrat media tried everything in thir power to stop him, even murder, but to no avail. Trump galvanized the Republican party with amazing leadership, courage and strength with wide cross section of voters--- blacks, whites, Hispanics, young, Independents, Christians, Jews, etc. This amazing political accomplishment will go down in history as the greatest comeback ever while Trump is free now to do amazing things for America and Americans! The world was at peace under Trump and the world will again be at peace under Trump instead of heading to WW3.
America not only has a great leader again, but the entire free world has an amazing leader again!
Thank you, President Trump and thank you to all my fellow Thinking Americans for making all this possble!
God Bless, America!
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