After almost every Presidential election many of the middle and lower class voters find out that they won't get what they voted for in the election. The left wants M4A for free an d school loan forgiveness. The young voters worked hard for the two candidates championing these 2 causes. But what they have gotten is bailouts for cities and states, a mirage of and infrastructure bill and billions to pet causes of the huge donors. Under Trump, we conservatives got a little bit of a border wall, a trickle of corrections in the Middle East, a sort of slow down with the spread of China's work growth. But like you on the left we on the right got a few dribbles of what we voted for. What we will get for the next 4 years is a huge environmental bill and little else. What the biggest concern for you so so rich, middle. and lower class citizens should be crypto currency and/or China having the world currency. Us others, left and right will get the crumbs that keep us from mutiny. Of course, another ill for the near future is those that won't work because they are getting $20.00/ hour on unemployment. This group will find out that it is always easier to get a job when you have one. Sleep well knowing we all own a share of a 30 trillion dollar collar around our throats. And that debt is totally bi-partisan.