About 6 months ago I checked out Amazon for books on socialism and found over 5000. So I looked at vaious short works and papers. It's short comings or failures seem to have come with mismanagement and greed which is really why there is a rise again against capitalism. That's the one common denominator. Whereas capitalism offers far more opportunies it also leaves many behind. Socialism fails because dumbing down society eventually leads to implosion and unrest. Each of them end up with an odious governing class. While our Conctitution is a wonderful document it is not a game plan. The key element our forefathers wanted was for Congress to work together for the greater good while protecting the side of the minority. Today Congress is a self serving bunch of asses that just want power and wealth with little caring for those they are governing. IMO this is the reason no matter which path we follow Congress will end up screwing some large part of our society. Fortunately if this gets so bad the states can call a Constitutional Convention. Correction can be made and in this convention populous state have no edge over small states. But, by the time the country gets around to this I will be happily in the hereafter.