I love the program and respect the hard work it takes to play at this level. i also understand that upsets happen. What I am going to say has nothing to do with the final game. This was the least enjoyable KU basketball season in 15 years. Maybe the butt-kicking from Kentucky made it obvious very early that a national title was out of the question. Maybe the butt-kicking from Temple drove that home. Maybe it was the various suspensions. It definitely was the lack of an offensive gameplan. It definitely was the lack of exciting talents like Wiggins, Embiid, McLemore, Taylor, Robinson, etc. It definitely was the frustration of poor defensive rebounding, multiple turnovers, and getting our shots blocked at an obscene rate. It definitely was not Frank Mason. I did enjoy watching him play. Whatever the issues, this year as a whole just wasn't as fun and exciting as the past.