Absolutely stunning news today. Keep in mind this is just one firm in one tax haven. Just the tip of the iceberg as they say. I read it was the fourth largest firm that provided shell companies and ghost directors, etc.
So far, no one in the U.S. has been exposed (the web site has a selector where you can filter by country), but the editor of the German newspaper said it would be forthcoming.
Journalists from all over the world worked on this as the data was massive and also so that the one person reporting on this won't get Assanged or Snowdened (or worse, assassinated).
I'm aware that some shell companies are legit and not 100% of the time used for avoiding taxes but most of this is shady as hell.
Absolutely stunning news today. Keep in mind this is just one firm in one tax haven. Just the tip of the iceberg as they say. I read it was the fourth largest firm that provided shell companies and ghost directors, etc.
So far, no one in the U.S. has been exposed (the web site has a selector where you can filter by country), but the editor of the German newspaper said it would be forthcoming.
Journalists from all over the world worked on this as the data was massive and also so that the one person reporting on this won't get Assanged or Snowdened (or worse, assassinated).
I'm aware that some shell companies are legit and not 100% of the time used for avoiding taxes but most of this is shady as hell.