"Tougher admission standards are the main reason Kansas State University saw its first enrollment
decline in nine years, school officials said in response to a Kansas Board of Regents report showing similar drops at most of the state’s public universities."
“We have successfully weathered the transition from virtually an open admissions school to an institution that intentionally prioritizes student success,” said Pat Bosco, vice president for student life and dean of students at Kansas State." from the KC Star newspaper
I find this hard to believe. Besides, doesn't the state set the admission standards?
For the football only folks. We are a bad team. Accept it.
New coach, few quality players, new system.
It's gonna be a tough year and I'll still be there.

“We have successfully weathered the transition from virtually an open admissions school to an institution that intentionally prioritizes student success,” said Pat Bosco, vice president for student life and dean of students at Kansas State." from the KC Star newspaper
I find this hard to believe. Besides, doesn't the state set the admission standards?
For the football only folks. We are a bad team. Accept it.
New coach, few quality players, new system.
It's gonna be a tough year and I'll still be there.