It's really sad to see the GOP descend to this level. With the sweeping in of the hard right from the Tea Party movement, the party of Kassebaum and Dole has been replaced by a terrible, ignorant, and racist version of itself.
Today Senator Perdue prayed that Obama's days be numbered, quoting a psalm that goes on to call for his children to be fatherless and his wife be a widow. Of course the conservatives in the room laughed because what isn't funny about seeing a US Senator pray for the death of the US President? And Perdue in his tactless self has refused to walk back his comments at all.
And while many - both inside and outside the party - have said the party is becoming the "party of stupid" and is being taken over by a dog-whistling racist element, it proved those critiques right by nominating an overt racist. They doubled down on the transparency of their power grabbing desire by endorsing him (e.g. Ryan) and not distancing themselves from a man who not only has the speaking level and ideas of a 4 year old, but also makes overtly racist comments.
Hillary is a terrible candidate. She has proven to be Machiavellian, secretive, and acts with impunity. Hating her is understandable, but the ire should really be directed at the morons running the GOP who have failed to provide a viable alternative. They for decades were the sane and rational party but have sold out and become a real life representation of what a party in Idiocracy might look like. Hopefully this election destroys the GOP so it can be rebuilt. The country can't survive without 2 semi-serious parties.
Today Senator Perdue prayed that Obama's days be numbered, quoting a psalm that goes on to call for his children to be fatherless and his wife be a widow. Of course the conservatives in the room laughed because what isn't funny about seeing a US Senator pray for the death of the US President? And Perdue in his tactless self has refused to walk back his comments at all.
And while many - both inside and outside the party - have said the party is becoming the "party of stupid" and is being taken over by a dog-whistling racist element, it proved those critiques right by nominating an overt racist. They doubled down on the transparency of their power grabbing desire by endorsing him (e.g. Ryan) and not distancing themselves from a man who not only has the speaking level and ideas of a 4 year old, but also makes overtly racist comments.
Hillary is a terrible candidate. She has proven to be Machiavellian, secretive, and acts with impunity. Hating her is understandable, but the ire should really be directed at the morons running the GOP who have failed to provide a viable alternative. They for decades were the sane and rational party but have sold out and become a real life representation of what a party in Idiocracy might look like. Hopefully this election destroys the GOP so it can be rebuilt. The country can't survive without 2 semi-serious parties.