I was taking the shuttle bus back to the shuttle parking lot and a KSU fan was standing next to me and a group of us started talking. He was a little distraught and said, “just imagine having to have your football team play KSU twice a year, how would that feel?” Rather than launch into a discussion of how the KU football team is improving, I countered with, “Well at least, now maybe Bruce will be gone and you can get a better coach.”. He said Bruce got a contract extension through 2025, and he does think KSU administration has the money or desire to fire him, at least this year, that they are stuck with him for at least another year or 3. I would be surprised if they keep Bruce, but finances speak louder than wins. He wasn’t too bad for a KSU fan, though he was twice my size, but pretty humble after KSU’s performance. I tried to change the subject and said “At least you guys got a good quarterback back transfer in the portal”. He said,”The guy from Nebraska? He may be better than anything we had, but if he couldn’t stay on the field at Nebraska, what makes you think he will do any better at KSU“ I wanted to say, yeah, you guys suck, but someone else started listing the KSU quarterbacks and then the conversation went back to how bad a coach Bruce is. It is sad to be a KSU fan this year, they can not fall back on WSU basketball like they normally do when their team blows.