It is possible they could vote as early as next week. Given the House is majority D, I expect it'll pass.
As for what Mitch will do, there are some factors he'll have to calculate. One, the Trump base is still a powerful force in the GOP so he needs to be careful about antagonizing them. Two, he needs to show the majority of the nation the GOP is opposed to sedition, which means voting on the impeachment so many of the Rs can go on record of opposing what happened. Three, he usually takes issues like this and flips them on Ds claiming they are really the problem, but doing that here will likely piss off a lot of the population, and besides, he's no longer in the majority.
What I think he'll do is simply wait out the clock. Talk about how he's opposed to the insurrectionists, condemn the Ds for moving too quickly, then throw the Trumpies a bone and say Trump deserves a fair trial and therefore they can't move quickly enough to give him his due before his term ends. He'll also orally shed crocodile tears about how awful Wednesday was and how we as a nation need to move on and heal.
As for what Mitch will do, there are some factors he'll have to calculate. One, the Trump base is still a powerful force in the GOP so he needs to be careful about antagonizing them. Two, he needs to show the majority of the nation the GOP is opposed to sedition, which means voting on the impeachment so many of the Rs can go on record of opposing what happened. Three, he usually takes issues like this and flips them on Ds claiming they are really the problem, but doing that here will likely piss off a lot of the population, and besides, he's no longer in the majority.
What I think he'll do is simply wait out the clock. Talk about how he's opposed to the insurrectionists, condemn the Ds for moving too quickly, then throw the Trumpies a bone and say Trump deserves a fair trial and therefore they can't move quickly enough to give him his due before his term ends. He'll also orally shed crocodile tears about how awful Wednesday was and how we as a nation need to move on and heal.