There is always arguing about Fox news versus the others and how wrong, fake news, in the tank, etc networks are. However, in actuality, so much of it is the difference between early morning and then the evening shows where the differences really lay. I watch Fox Business and then Fox News during the sessions when they are reporting news but not the evening stuff that is too one sided. I find too many of the discussion boards are really arguments between those on the far side of both sides. This leads to the arguments being spiteful and with very little thought to what the posters is really trying to say. I try to limit my thoughts to what made has made this country great (in comparison to other countries and not because we are without faults) and what will keep us great while doing more for more of the citizens and those here trying to be citizens. Because we are a democratic republic this means working for the betterment of states as well as federal government. IMO people get too caught up on the federal side at the expense of the state side.