It was an interesting testimony by Trump's Intelligence Chief largely because he portrayed a reality on the ground that differs starkly with Trump. CNN has a good break down of four of those differences:
Namely, on NK, Iran, Climate Change, and ISIS, the Intelligence folks have a differing view than Trump - often times starkly.
So my questions are: does this worry anyone that the President is seemingly acting in a manner so different from his intelligence sources on such important issues? Why do people think there is a difference - does Trump know more than Coats or is Trump seeing what he wants to see?
Namely, on NK, Iran, Climate Change, and ISIS, the Intelligence folks have a differing view than Trump - often times starkly.
So my questions are: does this worry anyone that the President is seemingly acting in a manner so different from his intelligence sources on such important issues? Why do people think there is a difference - does Trump know more than Coats or is Trump seeing what he wants to see?