Two of the key pillars to kstate's success, especially in early years, were limited turnovers and penalties. It's no secret how Old Balls was able to get this done. Mental and physical discipline. Most of us know somebody personally that has played under Old Balls. I have a high school buddy who walked on and played a lot of special teams in the early 90s. He said the tolerance for turnovers and penalties were extremely low, even during officiated scrimmages. He said the punishment for this stuff was pretty crazy sometimes. Of course you'd have your running, push ups, sit ups until you puke or close to passing out. One of the funnier ones was if there were multiple offenders, he'd have the face each other and clasp each other's hands above them like forming a bridge all while naked off to the sideline during his closed practices.
Point is, I'm afraid Beaty is on the nice guy side and really likes his guys. Old Balls doesn't give a shit about his players and had no problem treating them like garbage to hold them accountable. I don't want to see DB be just like Old Balls but may need to find some kind of balance to strike some fear into the players with regards to mental errors.
Point is, I'm afraid Beaty is on the nice guy side and really likes his guys. Old Balls doesn't give a shit about his players and had no problem treating them like garbage to hold them accountable. I don't want to see DB be just like Old Balls but may need to find some kind of balance to strike some fear into the players with regards to mental errors.